Insadong Sandal: Replicated Strokes
인사동 스캔들

  • Cast

    Kim Rae-won, Um Jung-hwa

  • Release Date


  • Runtime

    109 mins

  • Cert


Missing for 400 years, a rediscovered royal painting
causes excitement amongst the art world elite.
Anticipating the mother of all paydays when it goes
to auction, owner Bae Tae-jin (Um Jung-hwa) offers
restorer and sometime forger Lee Kang-joon (Kim
Rae-won) $1 million to fix up the priceless canvas.

But something’s amiss, and wily Kang-joon must
stay one step ahead to stay out of jail. Excellent
performances and clever plotting crown this super-slick caper movie with attitude.