Back From the Beat
내가 사는 세상

  • Cast

    Kwak Minkyu, Kim See-eun, Park Jihong

  • Release Date


  • Runtime

    67 mins

  • Cert


Kwak Min-gyu works afternoons as a food-delivery courier and works evenings playing the turntables in his friend Jihong’s bar Commune, where he’s known as “DJ Mingoos”. His girlfriend Si-eun works (too hard) in a private art school and sticks with him because she loves his music. Both of them have their troubles at work and money is always short, but they truck along okay … until the day Min-gyu stumbles into a conversation about employment rights and finds himself complaining about shortfalls in his wages. Big mistake! Choi Changhwan has form in this area: he worries that Korean laws are being circumvented and that people at the bottom of the ladder are suffering. But he frames these concerns as down-to-earth drama (no hectoring militancy here), and films his story in elegant widescreen compositions which anchor the likeable characters in their environments. Nice beats, too!